third culture kid

Taylor Joy Murray

Taylor is a 19-year-old writer and author of "Hidden in My Heart: A TCK’s Journey…

TCK Coaster Designs

Illustrations and photo by Carol Johnson

Somewhere Closer To Near – Home

Somewhere closer to near but far, I come from new names of old lands, Oceans,…

Olympic Games – Third Culture

"I'm a travelling musician and TCK artist - this is a rough recording (and can’t…

Child of the Nile – Third Culture "A Ugandan praise song that tells the story of Moses, a man from Uganda,…

If The Day Is Over – Hadassah Grace

"If the day is over, I don't wanna go...I don't wanna go...I don't wanna go."…

Missionary Kid Patriot

"This is called the MK Patriot. I made it because many times I feel torn…

African Poetry – Beth Restrick

Poem and illustration by Beth Restrick. Other poems by Beth Restrick - I've Left My…

I’ve Left My Heart In Africa

Poem and illustration by Beth Restrick

Spoken Word Poetry – Don’t Keep Your Distance (Do You Know How Many Times I Have Moved?)

by Ghanaperu Do you know how many times I have moved?Sometimes I count them on…