third culture kid poem

MK Reflections on Home

MK Reflectionsby DUS Far from my fatherland I’ve dweltBecause my parents clearly feltThat other nations…

tapestry colored knots

Complicated and Confident – Spoken Word

Complicated and Confident by Ghanaperu "The first year I came to this country, I swallowed…

But I Did Anyway – Mock Funeral

Mock Funeral There was no funeral.No flowers.No ceremony.No one had died.No weeping or wailing.Just in…

What Keeps You Here?

a strawberry What keeps you here I ask my heart Stranger in a strange land,…

Traveling at a Young Age – Spoken Word Traveling At A Young Age, a spoken word poem. "Friends one leaves behind for…

Somewhere Closer To Near – Home

Somewhere closer to near but far, I come from new names of old lands, Oceans,…

African Poetry – Beth Restrick

Poem and illustration by Beth Restrick. Other poems by Beth Restrick - I've Left My…

I’ve Left My Heart In Africa

Poem and illustration by Beth Restrick

Restless Blues

lay the line down just away out of town another road to wander freedom is…

In Nepal / So Hum

Caught his eye Walking in the mid day heat In Bhaktapur. Faraway - - look…