The Global Nomads – Larissa Nugroho

The Gobal Nomads is a spoken word poem written and performed by Larissa Nugroho. Larissa says “As someone who grew up in a multicultural setting and who is currently living abroad – I wanted to capture that feeling of belonging everywhere and nowhere at the same time.”


Where is home?
Living in a suitcase
Moving from place to place
Trying to find rest and belonging

We are the global nomads
Fitting in everywhere and nowhere
Changing SIM cards constantly
Saying hi and goodbye cyclically

Though we never do it easily

We are the global wanderers
Adapting like chameleons quickly
Getting raised eyebrows when we don’t assimilate
Asking where we’re from complicates

We are the global vagabonds
Passport stamps in our hearts
Luggage tags on the baggage we carry around
Of the friendships and the losses we found
Ungodly hour calls making up for the time zones
Glad that someone is always awake
On the other end of the phone

We are the eclectic tribe
With constant identity crisis
Trying to grow where we planted
Staying rooted in heritage
While stretching out our leaves
The whole world is our stage

We are the global nomads
The world is not just our oyster
It is our playground
To romp around
And play
For here
Here is our home

3rd Culture Art store

3rd Culture Art is a 3rd culture community of artists, coming together to showcase their artwork to a wider audience, and have an easy platform for selling their work. Let’s face it, artists love to create but absolutely loathe having to take the time and try to figure out how to get it online in various formats. That is where we come in – partnering with our artists. They send in their artwork to us in digital format, and we take care of the rest – getting it out to you, our fabulous customers!

One of the guiding principles of our shop is that everyone should be able to enjoy art. 3rd Culture Art is a convenient and interactive space for both art enthusiasts and collectors to find pieces that cater to a wide array of tastes. With convenient shipping options and easy to use search options, you’ll easily find your next masterpiece or unique mug.

Check out the website here!