missionary kid

Colors of my Father’s Heart

When my dad passed away in 2015, I painted the picture above as part of…

You’re Invited, You Know

You're Invited, You Know Look, look at the rain pounding into the dust outside, doesn't…

So Far From Home

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i0wlnpSgUtI&feature=youtu.be By Kate Vowles Created after over 5000km of travelling in February 2016. Sometimes one…

Missionary Kid Patriot

"This is called the MK Patriot. I made it because many times I feel torn…

Green Culture

Under country, over country,Never committed and always free,But that’s freedom by plane, And not freedom of…

Communicating Across Boundaries

https://communicatingacrossboundariesblog.com/ "Marilyn R. Gardner is an adult third culture kid who grew up Pakistan and…

15 Things I Want To Tell My Third Culture Kids

http://www.djiboutijones.com/2013/03/1-things-i-want-to-tell-my-third-culture-kids/ from the blog DjboutiJones, written by Rachel Pieh Jones

The MK Song (Funny)

by Grady Toland Well Momma and Daddy were missionariestook us to places sort of strange…

Missionary Kid Song

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tEcIn82Wuh8 by Bethany Kennedy Is it true? You can't answer the question "where are you…

Families in Global Transition

 https://www.figt.org/ "Families in Global Transition is a welcoming forum for globally mobile individuals, families, and…