Yvonne McArthur – Migrations

– Yvonne McArthur

We began as a
flock of Scots, a
Glasgow-living clan
Eaters of thick oatmeal
Musical brogue speakers

Crossed the Atlantic
Nested by the Speed River
Tossed seeds from the
Heights of Black Bridge

Some took root,
Sprouted into saplings
A forest of cousins,
Great uncles, and grandnieces
A family diaspora
Populating Canada

Others kept their wings
Soared down to Chiapas
Bushwacked through
Jungle, canoed on rivers,
Ate roasted monkey

But the wind currents called.
Drew feathered creatures
South to the highlands
Land of the Maya
To live among growers of
Garlic and onion

I learned to fly here,
Beating back and forth between
The Great Lakes and the
Caribbean Plate
Drawn to stay, become
endemic to one place. But also
Lured to fly onward forever

Yvonne McArthur is a TCK poet who grew up in Guatemala. Find out more about her or read more of her poetry here!

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