Tanzanian Rainy Seasons – TCK Poem

Dar es Salaam Delicacies

Nose pressed up against the window, I wait
for pitter-patters to turn to pelting poundings
as hundreds of flying ants rise upward,
dizzying my eyes and swarming my head.

So predictable: Tanzanian rainy seasons.

“Dad! Come on!” and he brings them as always:
bright yellow boots and clashing pink raincoat
with words on them I can’t yet read, words that
Mom says I’ll learn in school next year.

Tupperware in hand, I rush out,
dancing to a chorus of wings: a flapping frenzy.
Within minutes, I have plenty of the squirming creatures,
my prized possessions, enough to make Mom proud.

Back at home, the three of us busy ourselves.
Dad hangs up my dripping raincoat while
I tug away at endless wings while
Mom heats up the stove and readies

a drizzle of oil, a handful of flying ants, a pinch of salt;
sizzling in the pan, they fry quickly.
Then, around the table, Mom, Dad, and I sit,
munching and crunching our seasonal snack.

So predictable: Tanzanian rainy seasons.

And even though I lived through many of them,
I can no longer recall whether the flying ants
tasted more like bacon bits or burnt popcorn.
So I wait, nose pressed up against the window.

By Melanie Han, an avid traveler and a poet who was born in Korea, grew up in East Africa, and is currently pursuing an MFA in Creative Writing in Boston. She has won awards from Boston in 100 Words and Lyric, and her poetry has appeared in several magazines and online publications, such as Fathom, Ruminate, and Among Worlds. During her free time, she can be found eating different ethnic foods or visiting new countries.

tck documentary

A TCK Documentary – Alaska to Africa

A TCK documentary exploring the world of seven siblings in Ghana, as they adjust to a new culture and wrestle with the questions about home and belonging that all third culture kids can relate to.

Featuring the Gelatt family, missionaries through ABWE. Filmed in November of 2018. No profit is being made from this film.

Soundtrack created by Spencer Parkhurst – check him out on SoundCloud here.

Filmed and edited by Hannah Mathews – check her blog out here.

Watch more documentaries about TCKs here.

Suitcases by Haddie Grace

original song by Haddie Grace


We’ll unpack our suitcases
Begin to embrace this
Unfamiliar place so
Different from what we’ve known

We’ll learn and go exploring
We know our best stories
Happen well outside of
Our comfort zone

We can make anywhere home

Constant changing is our sameness
Uprooting is our routine
We’ll bloom in winter
Our resilience is our stability

I am all the places that changed me
I am all the cities that made me me
I am all the people who named me
Home is wherever I happen to be

Not a number on a street

I’ll send you a letter
We’ll compare the weather
I need to borrow languages to tell you how I feel
You’ll listen like a true friend
Like when we jumped in the deep end
We’ve moved six times since then
That’s how you know that it’s real

Constant changing is our sameness
Uprooting is our routine
We’ll bloom in winter
Our resilience is our stability

I am all the places that changed me
I am all the cities that made me me
I am all the people who named me
Home is wherever I happen to be

Not a number on a street

I’m moving again
Soon you’ll hear it in my accent
Uprooting again
Daydreaming in past tense

I’ll unpack my suitcases
I promise I’ll embrace this
Unfamiliar place so
Different from what I’ve known

I promise I’ll be open
Won’t bury my emotions
My heart’s caught between oceans
But I can make anywhere home

We can make anywhere home

I am all the places that changed me
I am all the cities that made me me
I am all the people who named me
Home is wherever I happen to be

We are all the places that changed us
We are all the cities that shaped us
We are all the people who named us
Home is wherever we’re known and we’re loved

Not a number on a street

Thoughts from the author:

Just wanted to explain two lyrics.
“We are all the people who named us” — When you are invited into a new culture, you are often given a new name. In Oniyan (Bassari)in Senegal, there are ordinal names meaning “first son” or “second daughter” that tell your place in the family. In Southeast Senegal I am “Ingama.” In Dakar, I am “Khady” which is short for Khadija, but works for me because it sounds like “Haddie.” In the US, various groups of friends have given me different nicknames, which is different than cultural names but still, in the act of naming there is affection, a sense of relationship, and belonging. And of course, my parents named me Hadassah, and my family is a part of me as well.

“I am all the people who named me” is another way of saying my identity has been shaped by all the people who are important to me.
“Constant changing is our sameness” — sameness being the shared identity of all third culture kids.

Other original songs by Haddie Grace

Denizen (Distance)
Neutral Room

Lost Is Just A Word – Original Song By Nick Riedell

Lost is just a word we use
When you can’t find your home
There’s purpose in the processes
I know, I know

Well how can you be lost
If your home’s nowhere?
How can you be found
When you are too scared?

Just follow the light
It’ll guide you home

This is your life
A life for loving
This is your life
So rise above it
This is your life
So live all you got

Music and lyrics by Nick Riedell

See more of Nick’s music here

What Keeps You Here?

a strawberry

What keeps you here
I ask my heart
Stranger in a strange land, so white, so clean

These fields in June, she laughs
Your red-stained fingers
A taste of heaven beneath each leaf
And this sky expansive and clear

I wonder why, my heart, you hold
Steady on small delights after
Months of sifting memories
Under grey skies
Testing each day as we
Walk out into this not-all-bad
But still foreign place

I am young, says she –
A child who races, explores,
Finds beauty even here
And welcomes the new, trusting
Inviting sweet existence even
Within this space of not belonging

I hold out for
Simple Wonders;
Encounters with the Presence

Crouched amongst the rows I ponder this
Sifting through the too-soon and the already-past
I find it.
The ripest, the reddest berry
Welcomes me into the perfect balance
Proves to me that
Yes, child, even here, even you,
Have abundant peace.
The taste and texture of now.

By Bree Becker, a third culture kid from Rwanda and Kenya who now lives in Oregon, USA.

In Between – A TCK Documentary

“In Between” is a 23-minute documentary that explores the identity development of people who have grown up as third culture kids. Identity is our sense of who we are and guides our interests and our life choices. Moving between cultures affects the development of identity. Through the stories of three TCKs, the film investigates the often-overlooked effects on adults who had international upbringings.

By Elsa Hendriks

Watch more documentaries here!

The Many Masks I Wear

Ndela is a Finnish-Senegalese freelance writer based in London. Among other texts, she has produced copy for BT and Chouette Films, advertorials for Guardian Labs, Scan Magazine and Discover Benelux, op-eds for The Guardian and Roads & Kingdom and blogs for the F-word and the Finnish Institute in London.

Talk credit to TEDx, given by Ndela Faye

Listen to other talks about TCKs!

You’re Invited, You Know

You’re Invited, You Know

Look, look at the rain pounding
into the dust outside, doesn’t it
sound like home? Like tin roofs
and shouting and laughter?

You would remember these
things, if you were here, and so
I say them to the empty space all around
me, to the memory of your presence.

We were made of different stuff, you and I.
I am stardust, never content with small and you
are the oak trees strong and steady, so
you know, I’ll visit you again someday
but I won’t stay. Will you forgive me for that?

Life is supposed to be built of love
but you and I have made it out of
minutes in the middle of years, out
of snapshot memories faded at the edges.

Look, look at this place and
how empty it is without you.
The world is big but our hearts are small
and you’re invited, you know. To come.

By Ghanaperu

Other poems by Ghanaperu
To My New Friends
Eve of Bittersweet