A Night In Transit – by forecast

by forecast, a TCK who grew up in Spain and the USA

Artist’s description of the album:

“So this album means a lot to me. We all go through these tough times, our “nights in transit,” where we struggle to get somewhere during a precarious time in our respective lives.

As I’m becoming an adult, being that I’m 20 now, I get it. You don’t just wake up one day and say “okay, I’m an adult now,” and that’s that. No. It’s a phase. Just like transit systems; it takes time, but you’re moving forward. It’s all about the progress you make, and you’re rewarded for it. It’s all a part of growing up. For anyone who’s reading this and resonates with you, then this album is for you. You can make it through your night in transit.
It may feel like it’s taking a while (I mean, have you ever tried to stay up all night? It drags ooooon for so long), but you’ll be rewarded for it in the end.

Stay strong, keep moving on. It’s worth it. I believe in you.”

Check out the album on Spotify or on iTunes!

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