Writing, Flying, Free – Breanne Eckman

Writing, Flying, Free is a blog by Breanne Eckman, where she writes about her unique identity and perspective as a third culture kid and a Christian.

The purpose of the blog – “My goal is to reach people who have grown up feeling like they don’t belong and remind them where they do. To show people the truth, beauty, and meaning amidst a diverse and ever-changing life. I want to remind you that your experiences aren’t without purpose, your talents aren’t useless, and your story is a part of God’s big story for the whole world.”

Click here to see the blog!

Taylor Joy Murray

Check out the blog here!

Taylor is a 19-year-old writer and author of Hidden in My Heart: A TCK’s Journey Through Cultural Transition.

When she was sixteen-years-old, she applied for a writing residency for the annual conference, Families in Global Transition. In exchange for an eight week mentoring process with the expat editor Jo Parfitt, she was required to attend FIGT to cover sessions and then write articles about them. The experience was a wonderful opportunity for learning and growth. Her blog was an outcome of the project. Since then, she’s written for expat and TCK-focused, print and online magazines.

Communicating Across Boundaries


“Marilyn R. Gardner is an adult third culture kid who grew up Pakistan and then lived as an adult in Pakistan and Egypt. From Boston to Pakistan and many points in between, she blogs about life, faith, travel, third culture kid peculiarities, cross-cultural communication, Pakistan, the Middle East and more. With a love of people, books, film, and the world, she invites others to join in the conversation.

Marilyn birthed 5 kids on 3 continents, and went on to raise them in Pakistan and Egypt before moving to the United States. She currently lives in Cambridge, Massachusetts, 15 minutes from the international terminal where she flies to the Middle East & Pakistan as often as possible.”

TCK Town


“TCK TOWN is a digital publication which exemplifies what our tribe does best – we reach out, find each other and talk about the stories that have made us who we are.  I hope TCK Town will become one place in this big, wide world where fellow TCKs can find a sympathetic ear when they visit, a place to further expand brains already itchy for extra knowledge and a destination that’s not limited by long flights, awkward transits or that time difference calculation before you decide to call in.”

A Life Overseas


“A missionary crams a life into a suitcase and begins a journey into foreign places, both geographically and spiritually. Assaulted by cultural stress, ministry challenges, learning a new language, and the trauma of culture shock, missionaries long for community– a sense of connection, regardless of if they are the boiling water alone in an African hut or battling public transport in a crowded Indian city. No doubt, living overseas can be brutal — on a family, on a faith, and in a soul. But, there’s no doubt, too, that it can be one of the most depth-giving experiences an individual can embrace. Like all of life, though, our stories are understood best when we have a community to share them with.

The blog collective ‘A Life Overseas’ provides that place of online connection for Christ-following missionaries and humanitarian aid workers living in foreign countries– from the past, present, or future. As a team of writers who have logged years of overseas experience ourselves, we want to create an online space where expats of many nations come together to interact, encourage, and find a community that ‘gets it’.

At this site, you’ll find honest conversation about the role and realities of international missions, practical advice from others on the foreign field, and faith-based inspiration for the days when you’d just rather go home.

Whether you are new to the mission field, thinking of moving internationally, or have already spent years on foreign soil, Welcome to A Life Overseas. We invite you to interact with the people who step through this online door– leave comments, consider writing a guest post, read and share articles that impacted or challenged you. Subscribe to our blog (below or sidebar) or connect with us on facebook. We’re hopeful that the doorways to different worlds, perspectives and stories here will lead you to a bigger faith, a more effective ministry, and a greater understanding that you’re not alone.”