TCKs for Christ

TCKs for Christ strives to serve, encourage, and challenge teenage Christian TCKs and young adult TCKs to live victoriously with a firm identity in Jesus. TCKs for Christ considers all types of Christian TCKs such as missionary kids, business kids, diplomat kids, etc. They publish articles, interviews with TCKs, poetry and send out content via their newsletter.

Their team is made up of TCKs from around the world (five continents, to be precise) with various backgrounds, all connected by their faith, their desire to serve, and their love of writing.

Find out more by visiting their website,

For Faraway Friends – TCK Poems

For Faraway Friends is a collection of poems. All poems were written by Chana Noeth, and originally published on Find out more about Chana and read more of the For Faraway Friends collection by clicking the link!

Letter to a Friend as I Leave

No tear runs down my cheek
As I give you a last embrace
As you stand and wave
My smile remains steady
My step is confident and sure
As I turn and walk away
Do not be fooled, my friend.
I’m not so emotionless as I seem.

As I give you a last embrace
I soak up what it feels like
As you stand and wave
I commit to memory your face
As I turn and walk away
I am hyper-aware of my surroundings.
I am pensive and sentimental
At our parting, my friend.

The air is slightly cool
But not enough to bring a chill
Your eyes are so bright and clear
The sight of them makes me smile
Your embrace is strong yet gentle
Infused with the warmth of your affection
And I’m amazed at how precious you are
Though my time here was short—
The things I’ll carry with me
The memories shared
That I’ll cherish forever.

It’s moist outside and I try to place it—
I’m not sure it’s quite drizzling
But it’s not considered a fog—
Even the not-rain can’t decide
But to lightly imply precipitation
Not really enough for an umbrella
But by the time I’ve walked far away
It’s enough to leave me wet
With reality: I’ll miss you.

And I’ll miss this street
And I’ll miss that tree
And I’ll miss that shop
And I’ll miss the church
And I’ll miss this weather
That can never decide
Whether it’s coming or going
Just like me: I hope I’ll return
But I don’t know if I ever will.
And just like you say of the weather,
It’s the spice of life.

And I wonder what you’re thinking
As I leave you
I wonder if you’re wishing
I would cry or show emotion
I’m pretty sure you’re thinking
You’ll miss me too
And I’m thinking
How much I used to hate it
When people would leave me.
I know the feeling all too well.

I’m remembering how I felt
When a friend came who I grew to love
Poured herself all in (just like I have)
Explored and tried new things—
It felt like I’d known her for ages
We talked about everything—
And then she was gone.
And she left with a smile on her face
No promise of return
(And I begged her to return).

(She never did.) Now I’m in her place
And I’m reliving that parting—
I don’t know exactly what you’re thinking
But I suspect I know
And that knowing makes this parting
Very poignant for me.
I’ve always been sentimental
But it’s hard to leave a place
When I know how it feels to be left
It’s harder to enter a place
And dive all in
When I know it might hurt you to love me.

Dear friend, I don’t know why
Life is filled with partings
But it is.
And that friend I met long ago
Taught me a lesson about loving wholly
So as much as it may hurt,
I think it’s worth it
And I hope you’ll understand
That if I never see you again
It’s not because I don’t love you.
I do.
And I’m so grateful I didn’t let fear hold me back
From loving you.
I think I finally understand how she felt
When she had to leave me.
Though I’ve not seen her since,
I learned much from her
And laughed and loved
Even as I have with you.

Labor of Love

A groan of anguish seeks to escape—
I barely contain it.
Why, why, WHY
Why does it feel so broken?

This was to be a joyful reunion,
A celebration of the fruit of many years—
Yet here is heartache in the happiness.

All those years of labor and love,
Learning, laughing, making mistakes,
Working hard, patiently longsuffering.

All those tears of frustration and fear,
Not knowing if the work would last another day
Drudging through bias and politics and sickness and war
(Both the seen and the unseen)

All those years
All those tears
And for what?

After pouring our lives into these people,
This project, this purpose,
We’ve come back to visit and we find
Such heaviness and hardship.

Was it in vain?
To be put in a box and shut away
As if it never happened?

Was it a waste?
All those years
All those tears—

I said my goodbyes years ago
And tucked the memories into my heart
As mementos of my childhood,
My home, my friends.
I thought I said goodbye.

And then I came to visit.
All the memories, all the hopes and fears
And laughs and loves
All the good years
Came flooding back.

But now I must leave for good.
My heart is breaking again,
Worse this time because
This crack is on top of another
Not yet fully healed.

All those years
All those tears
And for what?
Would it have been better
To never come here?

I cherished this place as my home
I loved these people as my family
I embraced this culture as my own
And then I had to leave—
Oh, how ecstatic this return!

Every moment excitement and joy
Every interaction perfect
Like I’m home again!
But now it hits me.

I’m giving her my last hug—ever?
Will I never walk this street again?
Will I never eat fruit from that tree again?
Must I truly say goodbye
To this place I love?

Oh, the tears
Oh, the years
The pain of this loss is physical.

Why does it feel so broken?
Will it ever be okay?
And yet
There is grace through the turmoil.

Love and loss
Lament amid joy
Seeds to harvest
Unity amid division
Together and apart.

All those years
All those tears
Seeds were planted.
Bridges were built.
Love was grown.

Maybe it seems
In vain
Or a waste
But no.
We serve a God who’s always working
Who’s bigger than space and time,
Injustice and poverty.

Our work was not in vain
Because the work was God’s.
These friends are not lost
Because they’re eternal family.
This people is not done
Because we’ll worship with them
In paradise.

All these years are in His hands
All these tears He holds in a bottle.
God is working,
Just wait and see.

Read more TCK poems about faraway friends here.

Where Is Home? – Elliphant

Where Is Home, a song by Elliphant

When the way come, you know we can’t stay
And then blissness is calling out for me
And you flashes pink and life is colour blue
I’m not here, I’m gon’ never die
We got love, we can still survive
And what I feel’s what I gotta do
But can I rest with you?

Where is home?
I’m starting to believe that it is gone
‘Cause I don’t find it
Though I’m looking
Keep searching
Where is home?
All I want is silence in my soul
But I don’t find it
Though I’m looking
Keep searching
Yeah, I’ve been searching, searching, searching

Life is drifting so fast, I don’t sleep
I’m afraid to miss a moment where I’m free
With you, we’re both lost, and nothin’ we’d approved
I can jump ’cause I know I land
All I need is to trust your hand
And like the wind, I will blow away
Unless you make me stay

Where is home?
I’m starting to believe that it is gone
‘Cause I don’t find it
Though I’m looking
Keep searching
Where is home?
All I want is silence in my soul
But I don’t find it
Though I’m looking
Keep searching

Yeah, I’ve been searching, searching, searching (do I look so sore?)
And I’ve been bursting, bursting, bursting (look at me more)
My mind is rumbling, rumbling, rumbling (is right)
‘Cause I’ve been wondering, wondering, wondering

Where is home?
I’m starting to believe that it is gone
‘Cause I don’t find it
Though I’m looking
Keep searching
Where is home?
All I want is silence in my soul
But I don’t find it
Though I’m looking
Keep searching

Where is home?
I’m starting to believe that it is gone
‘Cause I don’t find it
Though I’m looking
Keep searching
I need peace
All I want is silence in my soul
But I don’t find it
Though I’m looking
Keep searching
Yeah, I’ve been searching, searching, searching

More about Elliphant

Takunda Muzondiwa – spoken word poet

Takunda Muzondiwa is a cross-cultural kid born in Zimbabwe, who performs spoken word poetry as a way to express her confusion about her cultural identity. In this video she performs a poem as part of her speech at the Race Unity Speech Awards from 2019.

“Yesterday I was African; today I am lost.” ~ Takunda Muzondiwa

Find out more about Takunda

Run of the World – Original Song

Run of the World is an original song written by Hannah Mathews and performed by Hannah and Moriah Mathews. Hannah and Moriah are TCKs, and this song is about the mobility and transition of an international lifestyle, and how it impacts an understanding of “home”.


Run of the World

Will you hold on to me
When my soul is giving up?
Will you stay by my side
When my mind slides past midnight?
And I know that I am asking
For more than I can give
But I’ve never had enough
To settle down

Cuz I’m on the run from something
But I don’t know what
Like a hound from hell
Baying on my heels
And I never get away
But it never catches up
I keep letting go
And it keeps me moving on

Will you whisper in my ear
That the world is all the same?
Will you hold my love for ransom
If I choose to walk away?
And I know that I’ve been traveling
Far and farther away
But it seems now that I’ve gone
Nowhere at all

Cuz I’m on the run from something
But I don’t know what
Like a hound from hell
Baying on my heels
And I never get away
But it never catches up
I think it’s using satellites to trace me

Maybe you could try that
Maybe it might work
All I ask is if you find me
That you help me find myself

Cuz I’m on the run from something
But I don’t know what
Like a hound from hell
Baying on my heels
And I never get away
But it never catches up
I race for greener grass
But all the earth’s the same garden

I never get away
But it never catches up
Maybe I could call this home
After all

More TCK music videos

More videos from Hannah and Moriah

Growing Up Global – short documentary

Growing Up Global”, a short documentary made at Mont’Kiara International School.

“This documentary has been made with passion and determination to give all those who struggle with their identities hope. Hope to find themselves. Hope to better understand who they are. No matter how lonely someone feels, it’s important to know that you are not alone and that there are other people feeling what you’re feeling somewhere in the world. It’s been a dream come true working on this project and we are very grateful for those who supported us.” – Ana Hummes Ota

Where do I belong? What is my culture? Where will I end up? Where is home? These are some of the questions that weigh on the minds of our modern day ‘Third Culture Kids’ (TCKs). Students attending international schools around the world have faced the challenge of assimilating into unfamiliar environments, making new friends, and learning local customs.

All of this sounds glamorous, but being a TCK has its challenges. This short documentary film highlights some of these challenges; it also sheds some light on the fact that if you are a TCK, you are not alone. The brainchild of a Mont’Kiara International School student, Ana Hummes Ota, Growing Up Global is a wonderfully balanced documentary that takes into account the lives a handful of students who recognize themselves as TCKs. Produced in collaboration with Mont’Kiara International School and a Portuguese journalist Madalena Augusto, it is a documentary that is bound to open the eyes of many viewers to the lives that these young global citizens lead.

Growing Up Global was premiered on Friday, August 30, 2019 at Mont’Kiara International School.

Music: “Where is Home” by Elliphant feat Twin Shadow.

Special thanks to Lisbon Works and Madalena Augusto

More TCK documentaries

Vaughn Thompson Jr. – I Am Third Culture

“What are you? I can’t even tell you how many times I had to answer that question in my life. And not once did ‘Vaughn Thompson Jr.’ seem like a good enough answer. Man, sometimes it didn’t even seem like ‘human’ would suffice. So now I just say, ‘I am third culture.'” ~ Vaughn Thompson Jr.

Watch more videos by Vaughn here

See other TCK poetry videos here

Landing on July 4th

It’s barely dusk as we land,
fireworks bursting confetti
beneath us, covering over
the tidy patchwork farms.
He asks if the celebration is
for us – no, it is a holiday you
really ought to know, the
celebration of your country’s
independence. But you know
another date for that. The child
behind us wails, and her mother
shushes her, murmurs soft words
to say we are almost out now.

We trudge like lines of ants from the
village, clutching our dusty things
in tired hands, following whoever
is in front of us, hoping they know
the way. The line splits. We hover,
indecisive. They examine our blue
books and send us left with smiles
like we’ve gotten passing marks on
the maths test; the screaming child and
her mother have green and go right.

The gate-keeper stares bored,
wants to know if we have been on
any farms recently. We laugh. He
sprays us disinfected, showers away
the disease of our arrival, sends us
onward into the July night with stars
too different to recognise. I pull up
my trousers, re-buckle the belt we bought
a week ago in the dripping heat of
market, with the brightly sweating mother
yelling at her toddlers while we tried
to barter. The doors open like voodoo in
front of us, and the wall says welcome home
with the same confetti colours.

by Shiloh Phoenix