Ode to Africa – Collected Poetry
Ode to Africa - poems by Third Culture Kids African Adventuresby Yvette Louise Melech Seven…
Ode to Africa - poems by Third Culture Kids African Adventuresby Yvette Louise Melech Seven…
by Ghanaperu My Own Car - Spoken Word by Ghanaperu When I was in the…
The Two Are Not Alikeby Shiloh Phoenix In Maforay tonightit is rainingpounding splatters on a…
[i couldn't pick home from a lineup]by CavalierEternal red dirt solesnaked in afternoon sunshine the…
Only In Sleep by Sara Teasdale Only in sleep I see their faces,Children I played…
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tP6pgsr4pgw Third Culture Conversations is a talk show about third culture kids: people who are…
https://www.pinterest.com/heidinindi/tcks-artistic-expressions/ This is a pinterest page with over 100 pins of TCK creative and artistic…
TCK Resources is a website designed to be a collection of resources for Third Culture…
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KdocUNM0zYY&list=PLKw10zOgaybW3D7aqZ-n7u0aKrIs7FPlG&index=4 "TCKs talk about home and belonging" Are you a TCK? A third culture kid…
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U8z2dQR98bA&t=47s Josh Gibson Media - "I think the hardest part is not the memories themselves,…