Takunda Muzondiwa – spoken word poet

Takunda Muzondiwa is a cross-cultural kid born in Zimbabwe, who performs spoken word poetry as a way to express her confusion about her cultural identity. In this video she performs a poem as part of her speech at the Race Unity Speech Awards from 2019.

“Yesterday I was African; today I am lost.” ~ Takunda Muzondiwa

Find out more about Takunda

Third Culture Conversations

Third Culture Conversations is a talk show about third culture kids: people who are raised in a culture that is different than the one their parents grew up in. We will explore identity, rejecting and embracing parts of our culture, and the struggle to fit in when you don’t feel like you belong. Hosted by Esteban Gast, Leslie Ambriz, and Manolo Lopez, on the SoulPancake channel.

TCKs Talk Home and Belonging

“TCKs talk about home and belonging”

Are you a TCK? A third culture kid (TCK) is “a person who has spent a significant part of his or her developmental years outside the parents’ culture” (Pollock, 1999). This video explores how TCKs feel about home and where they belong.

Find more videos like this on Ali Jackson’s YouTube channel

Find more videos about TCKs here

The Many Masks I Wear

Ndela is a Finnish-Senegalese freelance writer based in London. Among other texts, she has produced copy for BT and Chouette Films, advertorials for Guardian Labs, Scan Magazine and Discover Benelux, op-eds for The Guardian and Roads & Kingdom and blogs for the F-word and the Finnish Institute in London.

Talk credit to TEDx, given by Ndela Faye

Listen to other talks about TCKs!