TCK Syndrome
There will be no traceof me, hereafter I have leftThe colours of my paintings on…
6 years ago
There will be no traceof me, hereafter I have leftThe colours of my paintings on…
I'm going back.Staring at the paper in my hands, all is dark around me exceptthis one…
I know about this,this dark stillness illuminated only by a single glow over everythingand we…
I'm leaving my bags packedjust in case I need to run awaybut I won't tell…
It's time again, time to step out of one world intoanother, and we are seasonedtravelers by…
They say Africa isA permanent thing,That you can leave it behind butIt won't leaveYou behindI…
There was sand beneathmy feet, between my fingers,slipping down through my hair,dusting across my face.…