All The Light We Cannot See

It’s time again, time to 
step out of one world into
another, and we are seasoned
travelers by now.
Gathering up our passports,
charging cords, exchanged currency,
luggage tags, and pens for immigration…
we know how to do this.

So I stand in yet another line,
a nylon strap tugging on my shoulder,
new sneakers rubbing on new socks,
with the echoes of “goodbye” still
ringing in my ears and my heart and
I remember that
If your same blood doesn’t run 
in the arms and legs of the person you’re 
next to, you can’t 
trust anything.

After all, no one else
ever stays.

Here we go again…
my sister nudges me to move
forward and my brother steps 
off the edge of grounded concrete
and my parents murmur about
forgotten things one last time.
We know how to do this.

Eleven hours later all the light
we cannot see rises with the sun behind us
above a country we no longer belong
to, but we link arms – united against 
this brand new world to navigate.

by Ghanaperu
